***I'm determined to catch up on cataloging our family's events this year. Be ready for outdated posts galore!


What I Realized While Flying

- there are actually still people who fly 1st class.  or should i say airlines that still differentiate?  (can you tell i am a southwest airlines type of girl?).
- i get claustrophobic sitting by the window... no where to go.
- i could NEVER be a stewardess flight attendant.
- i miss diet coke. like really.
- its mildly awkward being cramped next to a middle aged man who's taking up all of your foot room.
- i feel like a peeping tom when trying to read my neighbor's newspaper over their shoulder. but secretly i hope they'll notice and hold it at a better angle so i can see without having to look over their shoulder.
- i don't care what the statistics are - i don't feel more safe flying than driving
- the best steward flight attendant ever was our overly flamboyant one on virgin airlines last year, to san fran. it made the trip... interesting. 
- i'm a people watcher. i could do it forever and not get bored. madison is the same way.
- i'm too afraid of tipping over onto the person next to me to ever fall asleep on a flight.
- i don't like the curtain separating coach and 1st class. can we say segregation? {jk, i just don't like walking to the back of the plane to use the restroom when the 1st class one is closer.}
- i would rather drive 24 hours in the car next summer, with two kids, than fly.
- it's funny to watch people racing through the airport, hanging onto their bags for dear life, as they sprint to catch their connecting flight.... until you are one of those people.

i won't laugh ever again.

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