***I'm determined to catch up on cataloging our family's events this year. Be ready for outdated posts galore!


V-Day Projects

i think this is SUCH a cute idea. {instructions found here.}

and here is another one i'd love to try.

but to be realistic, i probably won't get around to making it. me, crafty? nope. but at least i'll bookmark it in case one day i'm feeling ambitious. there's always next year.

and in case you want even MORE ideas, go here. i find it overwhelming - too much creativity and i struggle processing it. :)  but cute nonetheless.


Jen said...

I love these ideas, they are super cute! I actually did the Heart Wreath, which was a huge accomplishment for me, because I am not at all crafty! It was actually pretty easy, and probably took a total of 3 hours.

I can't wait to hear about your house! Congratulations!

Jacob said...

sooo cute! id love to make cute stuff like this. however, if i attempt i ruin. and then i just waste all the money i spent on the materials. i am not gifted in these ways.