***I'm determined to catch up on cataloging our family's events this year. Be ready for outdated posts galore!


Last Time

one year ago, today, was the last time i saw dallin. it was fairly late on sunday night and he stopped by unexpectedly to grab something from my parent's house. we had some small talk and then he was off on his way. as simple as that.

it's a hard to think about.

but i remember that he was happy and pleasant that night - as always.

dallin was incredible and such an example to me. he always wanted to do what was right. he had an enthusiasm for life that was contagious and his smile could light up the room. people gravitated towards him and he was a loyal and devoted friend.

he loved the Gospel and lived it every day. i remember when he came home from his mission and said," i'm not sure anymore if i could raise my family in cedar city- i just don't think there is enough missionary work to do!" it was so cute! i miss his bluntness and honesty..

we grew to be close - he was one of my best friends.

and i am grateful for every minute i was able to share with him here on the earth,

small talk and all.


ashley said...

True. Dallin was awesome.

andrea said...

I'm so glad that you continue to share your memories of dallin and your dad!