***I'm determined to catch up on cataloging our family's events this year. Be ready for outdated posts galore!


Kamber's Graduation Day!

kamber graduated!

i am SO proud of her! and so is porter!
she has had to juggle so many things the last 9 months and i think she's done an incredible job.

ellsworth sisters,
since kamber IS and ALWAYS WILL BE one of us

kamber's family drove all the way up from tucson, az.

we attended convocation (i think that's what it's called - where Pres. Monson addressed us) in the morning and that same afternoon was the commencement of kamber and dallin's actual college. we walked in and found these signs on the backs of our chairs:

they had reserved seats for us in the front since dallin was going to be receiving an honorary degree. he was one semester short of graduating - it's pretty safe to say he would have made it. :) here's how it works at SUU: you have a little paper with your name on it, which you hand to the professor reading names up on the stand. people clap... handshake here... smile and picture there...your 10 seconds are over....

well kamber had two little pieces of paper, one for her and one for dallin. she was told they would briefly mention him and what happened, and present her with his diploma as well as hers. this picture depicts almost the exact moment when Prof. Wright explained Dallin's honorary diploma and why he wasn't there to accept it. she said, "his family is here with us today, if they could please stand." we were ready; we knew we were going to be asked to stand. what we didn't know and weren't prepared for, was the sound of the applause and the swell of the entire audience, rising to their feet, starting with the faculty, resulting in a standing ovation. i saw poor kamber, standing bravely on the stage, alone, holding dallin's diploma and hers, as they honored us, him, and especially her, by their reaction. it was an honor to be there.


Amy Call said...

Kamber, we love you!!! You are such an absolute amazing woman. What an incredible example of faith, perserverance and endurance. You are constantly in our prayers, as are all of you! We loved our Porter day, he is such a doll! Marie, THANK YOU for sharing your family with each of us. You have no idea how incredible each one of your posts are. The spirit is so strong as I read about the many experiences you and your family have. We love each of you and are constantly in awe at the amazing ability you each have in putting one foot in front of the other, even as your hearts have been shattered. We pray that those shattered pieces will mend, and you will feel the loving arms of the Savior around you. The Ellsworth family continues to be the finest family we have ever met. You each carry on the family name with such honor and courage and love. I can feel the open arms and love you have towards Mark and his family. What an awesome ability our souls do have to love and love and love, endlessly. Thank you for your example. Lovingly, Amy Call and family

Sarah said...

Wow. That was very moving. I cried just reading it, I can only imagine what it was like to be there.