***I'm determined to catch up on cataloging our family's events this year. Be ready for outdated posts galore!


All I Want Is Some Of This

may brought three graduations and two weddings for our little family to be a part of, spread out between two states and three cities. more on all that later. much later. after i get some of the above.

we are down to the last graduation and last wedding. back up to utah for us.

but the end is in sight. thank goodness our girls are great travelers.

it's been good to be busy though. we are taking advantage of dan's time off and know we'll miss this freedom when he starts work next month. now, if i could just get some sleep...


Unknown said...

that picture is so cute. This past weekend was the start of our crazy summer in the next eight weekends, we'll be gone six! luckily most are just to vegas (my home town) but one is to san diego and we have drive them all :)

ashley said...

I get to see you tomorrow... YAY!

Stephani said...

So precious - I hope you all get plenty of sleep!

Lara said...

love the picture! good luck with all the crazies!