***I'm determined to catch up on cataloging our family's events this year. Be ready for outdated posts galore!



this was a simple word with a simple meaning - wood, long and flat, used for building. a few years ago the definition of this word changed for me - several of the most important academic tests in our life (dan's specifically)! these tests significantly affect the likelihood of dan specializing in dermatology vs let's say, pediatrics or family practice.

after months of studying, hours of practice questions, and a very diligent husband, we received good news - dan did amazing! he scored very high and i am so proud of his hard work! CONGRATULATIONS!! dermatology here we come!!


Chelsea said...

I agree how that one little word can either send chills or make you want to drop down on your knees and say THANKS! :) I am NOT looking forward to Step 2...but I hear it's not QUITE as stress as Step 1, and Matt will probably take them later so that he won't have to release them to his residency applications...because I don't think either one of us could take the stress of HAVING to do super well. Anyway, yeah, Matt's 6 weeks into rotations and currently started OB/GYN...this is his first one with overnight call. I'm NOT Happy about that, but what can you do? And he decided to do Plastic Surgery for his elective rotation in Oct...so that'll be busy too. Sigh. But then we'll get a little break before he starts the "Big 3" in Jan. So Dan's doing Derm? Cool! Great lifestyle for you! :)

Jen Hilton said...

Awesome! Congrats to you both. As much as I know Daniel had to work, I know it was a team effort.

Lindsay said...

Yay!!!! Congrats! I know how much hard work goes into those board exams! One step closer.....