plus, we can't wait for some little cousins for madison and grace. nothing bad about thinking ahead right?
an article about the crash was written for the Salt Lake Tribune and then republished in the Spectrum today. click HERE to read it.
a few thoughts about it:
*i don't necessarily agree with the statement "family members struggle to carry on". yes, it has been a struggle, and yes, it has been hard but "struggling to carry on" sounds desperate and hopeless. my mom once said she thinks it is amazing that we all kept functioning, and that we still are. what a blessing.
*even though the NTSB is still investigating the crash, and might be for some time - it doesn't change anything. the last thing anybody needs is finger pointing. so what if they find it was the pilot's fault? his family is mourning his loss just as much as each of the other victims families are mourning. so what if it was a faulty engine or any other part? the manufacturers wouldn't have done something deliberately. i wish in today's society there could just be accidents. leave it at that.
*it makes me sad that only 2 out of the 11 cities my dad traveled two are still receiving dermatological care. he worked so hard to provide his services to as many people as possible. at the same time, i understand why dr. colbert reaches out to only those 2 cities.
*on a lighter note - isn't my nephew adorable? sunny disposition is an understatment for him. his smile is one of my favorite things in the world.
"this is served as an excitement of the taste buds to both prepare the guest for the meal and to offer a glimpse into the chef's approach to cooking." thank you wikipedia! this is a term dan and i learned from Top Chef (it's a great show and we miss it - a downside of just having bunny ears).
i'm so behind on blogging that i'm giving you this amuse-bouche to get you excited about whats to come. plus my sister, hannah, said it was about time she saw recent pictures of her nieces on here. once again, grace is the neglected child with no picture. maybe next time!
i can't believe my little girl is already two years old! i can recall the day madison joined our family as if it were yesterday. and yet i hardly remember what it was like before she became part of our family. how time flies!
lucy is purring, curled up in my lap and i can hear grasshoppers chirping outside, while i eat peanut butter cup frozen yogurt and sit at the computer.
dan and the girls are sound asleep - peaceful and dreaming away.
my sweet hubby took me out tonight. how fun to dress up and go out on an average old tuesday! we will do this more often. he bought tickets to this show (click on 'video' to see a sneak peek) i had been wanting to see for some time now. so we made the trek over to scottsdale and it was well worth the effort. fairy tale meets cirque de solei meets dressage and horses. loved it.
we came home to a babysitter who said she rocked madison and grace to sleep, together, at the same time! so sweet.
now i am just waiting for the beep so i can take my last pan of chocolate chip cookies out of the oven - the dough left over from last week was just itching to be cooked.
last on the list... crawl into bed
the perfect end to a perfect night.