***I'm determined to catch up on cataloging our family's events this year. Be ready for outdated posts galore!


Thanks for Waiting

let's go back to november 2008. my mom and hannah down for thanksgiving. we had a wonderful meal hosted by my farnsworth granparents and i was in charge of bringing the pumpkin pies. i hadn't made one before but thanks to marie calendar pie crusts and my incredible cooking skills (dumping the canned pumpkin in with the rest of the stuff and stirring exceptionally well), they turned out wonderfully.

my birthday fell on thanksgiving day this year and i got exactly what i wanted, plus a few other great things. isn't it nice when that happens! i got photoshop - which i am so excited about. haven't used it yet but i am still excited. and the other thing was this picture.

we spent black friday with a lot of my parent's good friends. some live here in mesa, others came from tucson and utah. we met up at Bounce U and it was a blast, except for madison, who wanted to be held the whole time. i got trashed by dan while we were boxing (notice madison being held of course), but then took hannah out when it was my turn. it was so fun to see everyone and feel, once again, of the continued love and support. we are so blessed!


Anonymous said...

so, just so you know marie, you couldn't even lift the boxing gloves, and that picture of me laying down was when I was resting, preparing to take YOU out:)

skinners said...

i believe there is a picture of me LIFTING the boxing gloves above the one of you resting, just after I knocked YOU down. :) but yeah, those darn gloves really were so heavy. and kinda gross. i wanted to sterilize my arms up to the elbow after that.