***I'm determined to catch up on cataloging our family's events this year. Be ready for outdated posts galore!


Our Day

you're about as shocked as i am that there is a new post on our blog. i've been quite the slacker. the amount of pictures i have taken and want to blog about is intimidating, plus all of our holiday festivities. so instead of playing catch up (that might happen tomorrow), here was our day, today.

my girls slept in
which called for a late breakfast
then a snuggling session
interrupted by a knock at the door
from a much needed visitor
some chatting, a trip to the 'farm', and a shower (for me) later,
it was Rosa's Taqueria for lunch
and an ice cream sandwich for dessert (pictured below)

we headed home for a nap
a cute movie for me
wrote my missionary-chris
more snuggling (w/ grace)
and madison woke up with this

next on our list:

we miss you dan/dad-
good luck in missouri!!


Sheri said...

She is so beautiful!

RonElaine said...

I don't know how you survive without Dan. Ron was gone last semester for 12 hours (6-6) every day and it was horrible to not have him around more often. This semester it's only 10 hours, which is wonderful!

I wouldn't have any idea how to manage our house/family without him for WEEKS at a time.

You are amazing, and your friends must be stellar to keep your spirits up!

Jen Hilton said...

How long is Daniel gone for? Let me know if you need anything.