***I'm determined to catch up on cataloging our family's events this year. Be ready for outdated posts galore!


Call 911!

"madison, let's go!"

this entails getting shoes on, finding her baby, putting it in the baby stroller, and then hanging her purse on the handle - then we are ready to go... take the trash out. as our little entourage walked outside to the garbage i was distracted by flashing lights and a man yelling at the top of his lungs.

i grabbed madison and headed out to the street where we saw several police cars, a firetruck, ambulance, and police SUV. neighbors were congregating across the street and as i made my way towards them i saw many officers (8?) fighting to constrain the source of the yelling. i find out this man is a "druggie" and had been wandering through our quiet little neighborhood through people's yards. apparently 911 was called and they came and picked him up.

i don't know what he was on but he screamed the whole time it took the officers to strap him to a gurney and the whole way to the ambulance. "these skinheads are taking me to medical! somebody please help me! call 911! my name is ____ ____ ____!"

i had to laugh. we live in a crazy world.

1 comment:

Lindsay Skinner said...

That's quite the exciting neighborhood you live in! How crazy!