i told madison to think about what she wanted to say during her prayer tonight, while i put grace to bed. i knelt next to her as she started and it's too bad i didn't have a recorder.
"Heavenly Father,
thank thee for dis day.
thank thee for santa;
he'll come to my house.
bless gracie's teethies that they won't hurt more,
and feel better.
thank you for santa.
bless me to sleep in my bed,
all night long,
and be good and not get out,
and have a good nap,
and then see santa when i wake up.
bless stephy, and gracie, and mom.
and dad. (prompted - we can't forget dad!)
and brett and chris on missions.
and santa.
name of Jesus Christ.
i love that she included things she noticed or that we talked about today. and i love even more that they are things important to her. even if it's santa. we just might emphasize the true meaning of Christmas more tomorrow. :)
{oct 2008}
"Heavenly Father,
thank thee for dis day.
thank thee for santa;
he'll come to my house.
bless gracie's teethies that they won't hurt more,
and feel better.
thank you for santa.
bless me to sleep in my bed,
all night long,
and be good and not get out,
and have a good nap,
and then see santa when i wake up.
bless stephy, and gracie, and mom.
and dad. (prompted - we can't forget dad!)
and brett and chris on missions.
and santa.
name of Jesus Christ.
i love that she included things she noticed or that we talked about today. and i love even more that they are things important to her. even if it's santa. we just might emphasize the true meaning of Christmas more tomorrow. :)
That is so cute. It is funny to hear what little kids are thankful for. James usually thanks heavenly father for is toys and movies.
I'm dying...that's too cute.
I love my niece! She is so funny.
That is so cute. You should buy the book, "So I beleive in Santa!"
Marie, how darling. I'm so glad you thought to write it all down and share. Rene
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