***I'm determined to catch up on cataloging our family's events this year. Be ready for outdated posts galore!


This And That

~madison's favorite movie right now is Lion King. she's watched it every single day for two weeks and her favorite part is when mufasa dies. or in her own words, "cows run in gorge, chase simba, and his dad dies. then hyenas come again, chase simba. it makes me sad." she says this with the hugest grin on her face! kind of morbid, i know.

~i already find myself missing AZ oranges but we don't move until june and the oranges outside aren't even ripe yet. whats up with that?

~grace is a climbing maniac - refer to last post - from madison's bed and little rocking chair to step stools, our glider, into the tub, and up our food storage shelves. she doesn't walk more than a couple steps at a time but she likes to climb up and over anything.

~i have this thing for hot tamales. i treat myself to them every time dan is on call. so every 5th night, i eat a whole box of them! gross. and unhealthy. but i do it anyway.

~madison's been potty trained for several weeks now but all of a sudden she had an accident this morning on our walk and was quite wet. we were at the farthest point from home and she said she wanted to walk. if you know madison at all than you know stubborn is an understatement for her - so i said she could walk, thinking in a couple minutes she'd get tired and get in the stroller. 45 minutes later we made it home and she walked every step of the way, in flip flops, minus about 10 feet when i tried to make her sit in the stroller.

~my mom is in mexico with mark and his family. i'm going to be honest - i'm jealous. 6 months is too long to go without a trip to mexico. and just a side note - grace went to rocky point 4 times before she was 6 months old. she's practically hispanic.


Lara said...

Grace's must be climbers...mine was a monkey! and I LOVE hot tamales too...try them with almonds...i know it sounds sick...but super yum

Grant Layton said...

I also have a thing for hot tamales. The grocery store here fortunately/unfortunately had a clear out of them, a huge bag for 50 cents. Needless to say, I bought a bunch, and I definitely eat them more than every 5th night :)

ashley said...

I'm too much of a wuss. Hot tamales are just to spicy for me. Sometimes I can eat one or two, but that's pushing it. Same with cinnamon bears.

Lindsay said...

Yummmmm, Hot Tamales!!

Ben and Janelle said...

My nephew was really into Cars and watched it every day like Madison with Lion King. Only he would fast forward and only watch the parts he liked rather than just enjoying the entire movie. The week that I visited made me not like the movie as much. Luckily I am over it now!
I love hot tamales, cinnamon bears, chocolate-covered cinnamon bears, and any other cinnamon candies! Lucky you to eat them so often! :)