the annual lebaron family pumpkin carving - several days prior to halloween.
picking out pumpkins, in costume, at the local corner pumpkin stand.
madison - fancy nancy
grace - pumpkin fairy
porter - leopard
lebaron cousins
title of this picture - 'focused'
madison designed a jack o lantern on starfall.com - a website she loves - and was so excited dan made a real one that matched!
halloween night
it was pretty hilarious. three kids under the age of 2 1/2, two in strollers, the other one wanting to be carried. we trick or treated about ten houses and then headed to our ward's trunk or treat.
whoever invented trunk or treats - i love you.

in comparison: grace age 13 months above and madison age 8 months below.
look at those cheeks. i love them.
{i've decided i'm not a fan of halloween.
the whole dress up and ask for candy thing is overrated if you ask me,
but i'll admit that it is way more fun when you have kids.}
the annual lebaron family pumpkin carving - several days prior to halloween.
picking out pumpkins, in costume, at the local corner pumpkin stand.
halloween night
whoever invented trunk or treats - i love you.
in comparison: grace age 13 months above and madison age 8 months below.
{i've decided i'm not a fan of halloween.
the whole dress up and ask for candy thing is overrated if you ask me,
but i'll admit that it is way more fun when you have kids.}
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