*madison has been eating "marshmallow Hateys" for breakfast everyday lately -the knockoff lucky charms- and i never thought that i'd buy sugar cereal for my kids {we didn't eat it growing up}. i feel kind of torn about it but for now i guess i'm giving in.
*she always wants "maca-Moni and cheese" for dinner but never eats it very well. {not that i make it every time she asks for it.}
*yesterday morning madison woke up and wanted to put a movie in right away so to distract her we read library books instead. the last one we read was green eggs and ham. what did we have for breakfast? green eggs. madison was pretty impressed.
*i've been trying to get more creative with the girl's food and i saw a cute idea in a book we have: sourdough english muffins, prego, mozzerella cheese, pepperoni (cut in triangles) and olives. madison put together her own little individual pizza and made a face like a jack-o-lantern. she loved it.
*mcdonald's is NOT my first choice of fast food but for some reason, every time i go there, i feel so american. i don't know if it's the whole burger, fries, and shake thing, the happy meal and toy for the kids, or just the fact that i'm clogging my arteries with cholesterol. whatever the reason, i feel more patriotic.
i know.
*when we're done with school/training and are settled, i want a cookbook collection. i LOVE looking through cookbooks to find fun and tasty recipes. they have to have pictures though.
*grace has turned into a scavenger. i sweep our floor just about 3 times a day to keep things off the ground and out of her mouth. but every time we get her out of the high chair, she turns around, stands up, and eats every scrap of food in or around the chair, no matter how full she is. and she's refusing to be fed anything besides yogurt with a spoon {thankfully she'll eat almost any finger food though}.
*oh, and those pumpkins pictured above - i made them. yesterday. not the actual ones in that picture (courtesy of bakerella), but replicas.
they were good.
and cute.
{but not as cute as hers. that's why the picture is borrowed.}