***I'm determined to catch up on cataloging our family's events this year. Be ready for outdated posts galore!


Just A Few Things

*we replaced our air conditioning filter last night - for the first time in 2 years! did you know they're supposed to be replaced quarterly? now its much quieter, much cooler, and much more efficient. we were wondering why our electric bill for our little apartment was over $200 each of the past couple of months...

*madison has become our little parrot. two of her favorite phrases right now are 'just a minute' and 'not yet'. apparently i say them all the time.

*we're playing flour battleship tonight for YW's (i work with the Beehives/12-13 year olds). we'll be throwing little bombs of flour back and forth over a tarp suspended between two volleyball poles, trying to hit each other. sounds fun except it will still be over 100 degrees outside.

*i was giving madison a bath this morning and i said,
"ok, can i rinse your hair now?"
"no, not yet!" (as i mentioned before, a favorite phrase of hers)
"ok, when?"

*grace just discovered that doors can open and close and tends to shut herself in the bedrooms. getting a 10 mo old to back up out of the way when she's on the opposite side of the door is quite a task.

*i hate to iron. i only iron on a very slack need-to basis. this leaves dan to iron all his own clothes. does that make me a terrible wife?

*today i went out front to water our plants and shut the door behind me. shortly after, i heard madison twisting and turning the knob, trying to follow me. i moved to help her open it and found the door locked. thats right. locked. my two girls on the inside and me on the outside (grace was sleeping, thankfully). i tried not to panic while explaining to madison how to unlock the door (in the back of my mind i'm thinking - ok, does this warrant a 911 call if she can't get it open?) after a painstakingly slow and agonizing 45 seconds madison got the door unlocked and i could finally (i know, it was less than a minute, but still) breathe easy. now we have a spare key...

*lastly, we went to the library today- madison loves it. she runs from shelf to shelf pulling off books and then runs back to us excited about her new find. after about an hour we left with a huge bag full of new books but madison had eyes for only one. we've read it at least 5 times already.

it's called "My Big Boy Potty".

oh my goodness.
(she says that too!)


Jen said...

I love all the cute little stories about your girls! I have kind of been freaking out this week (I think it has hit me that I am having a baby in 5 days) and stories like yours make me so excited to be a mommy! So a big thanks!

And let me just share my ironing philospohy. Pull everything out of the dryer as quickly as possible, hang it up, and hope for the best! Ray has a few work shirts that have to be ironed no matter what, and lets just say he wears them about once every two months! I am terrible!

Stephani said...
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Stephani said...

Coby irons almost daily (for himself), but I never iron for Alayna and I - only if absolutely necessary. So you are not a bad wife at all! Madison is so cute!! I find that I have to constantly watch what I say because it always comes back to haunt me - such is life with a two year old!

Brad and Meghan Miner said...

I'm glad you were able to help Madison get the door unlocked. I've had that happen a couple of times with Tyson from our garage door. Luckily I've always been able to walk around to our back door to find it open. I agree we need to get together again soon, and without the kids this time!

Lindsay said...

I loved this!!

We recently replaced our filters too after almost a year! Our power bill is still over twice that amount - yikes!!

I don't iron either. I buy low maintenance clothes, including wrinkle-free dress shirts for Matt. I know a freshly pressed shirt looks sharp, but too bad! LOL!

I love the library too. We've been checking out the max amount of books each time we go! Isn't reading to your kids so special?

Flour battleship sounds AWESOME!!!