our third and final trip to mexico (within a 5 week period) was with my family - my mom and hannah, dan, the girls, gma and gpa farnsworth and uncle rob. we stayed at my parent's beach house in Rocky Point and played lots of games, ate too much food, relaxed on the beach and watched some crazy kite flying!

we came back to the house after going to town one day and found this:
cRaZy seas
i've never seen the water so rough in all the years we've been going. it was all the way up the beach and hitting the storm wall and washing up on the boat ramp.
hannah was brave and got the closest!
what better place to read scriptures than a window seat looking over the ocean?
some serious game playing
on a different note: this was the first time back in Rocky Point, as a family, since the crash. one year ago in May was the last time we were all together. it will forever hold a place in my heart. my dad and dallin LOVED it there.
my mom brought some of dad's church clothes to mexico with her, to donate to the branches there, in hopes they would benefit young men going into the mission field. my dad loved missionary work and supporting missionaries. it seemed fitting but was hard to watch it go.

the hardest part of the trip for me was when i found this on the top shelf of my parents storage closet. my dad's hat.
in almost every picture we have of him in mexico he's wearing it - or one like it. he left it there for the next time he'd be back to use it. seeing small, unexpected things like that bring emotions rushing back.
i brought the hat into the beach house where it kept us company all week. it also came across the border with us and right now it's sitting on top of my fridge. till i find a better place for it.
i went into the trip expecting it to be bittersweet. we felt a big void and missed those who weren't with us, but rocky point is a special place - somewhere where i will always feel close to them. it's a place where memories were made and won't be forgotten.

{last may}

cRaZy seas
i've never seen the water so rough in all the years we've been going. it was all the way up the beach and hitting the storm wall and washing up on the boat ramp.
my mom brought some of dad's church clothes to mexico with her, to donate to the branches there, in hopes they would benefit young men going into the mission field. my dad loved missionary work and supporting missionaries. it seemed fitting but was hard to watch it go.
in almost every picture we have of him in mexico he's wearing it - or one like it. he left it there for the next time he'd be back to use it. seeing small, unexpected things like that bring emotions rushing back.
i brought the hat into the beach house where it kept us company all week. it also came across the border with us and right now it's sitting on top of my fridge. till i find a better place for it.
i went into the trip expecting it to be bittersweet. we felt a big void and missed those who weren't with us, but rocky point is a special place - somewhere where i will always feel close to them. it's a place where memories were made and won't be forgotten.
{last may}
Oh how we continue to love and deeply miss Dallin and Lansing! What a powerful example they have been in the lives of everyone they met...including the Call family. I will never forget tending all of you when you were all so little (Hannah and Alexa were only 1 yr!) so your parents could vacation in Mexico for a week!! (Chris was about 4 years old then and ran around night and day in his superman or batman cape! So cute!) We love you and pray for you always. Families are forever!!!
The water was SO high! Holy smokes! I love that hat. never saw him without it, and I agree about the feelings surrounding Rocky Point. Man, I love that place!
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