***I'm determined to catch up on cataloging our family's events this year. Be ready for outdated posts galore!


Day One of Spring Break

snow isn't quite what we were expecting for spring break but we'll take it ... hoping this set of flurries is the last until next winter. 
the girls were gung-ho about throwing snowballs.
and for the first time, they didn't mind being all bundled up. 
at least from the waist up.

this little girlie wasn't quite the happy camper she normally is-

-partly because this guilty dog shook snow all over madison's little bare legs.  bad sadie!
but it was hilarious to watch madison having fun and trying to act grumpy at the same time.

this girlie had a blast and only came inside after going down the slide in her leggings, landing with her bum in the snow.
now if only it will start warming up again so we can fit some park days in too!

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