***I'm determined to catch up on cataloging our family's events this year. Be ready for outdated posts galore!


First Snow Day

we went to bed with snow flurries
and woke up to this
16 degrees
-3 with the wind chill
church cancelled
no driving in the snow today for this mom
hot apple cider for breakfast
madison waiting to play in the snow
and to try something she keeps hearing all about - snow balls
the girls don't have snow pants
or gloves
we'll have to make do
and we're waiting for dad to get home 
(bishopric meetings weren't canceled)
hopefully it won't still feel like -3 outside
so far we're loving our first snow day of the season
and are very thankful we don't have anywhere to be

note to self: before our next winter storm, buy a snow shovel, a bucket of ice, two wind shield scrapers, gloves, scarfs, beanies and snow pants for the whole family, and socks (since i only own ankle socks). you'll feel more prepared. thanks. 


Lindsay Skinner said...

I wish I was there! That would have been so fun!

Ben and Janelle said...

Church cancelled for THAT?! Haha! How funny. :)