***I'm determined to catch up on cataloging our family's events this year. Be ready for outdated posts galore!


Fine, I'll Admit It

i've been a terrible blogger. but i'm repenting.

for those 2 or 3 readers we've got left, here's several updates (click anything orange for the links):

Mexico Trip #3 - yeah, that one, all the way back in April, with my family

Easter as it happened for the Skinners (don't get your hopes up, just neccesary documentation)

our Zion's escapade, with pictures of the famous couple (mom and mark)

little did you know, they made their blog debut long before i announced their wedding, you just didn't notice.

pictures of the crash/memorial site from our trip out to Moab

and last, all the nitty gritty details you've been dying to hear about from our encounter with Pres. Monson. and right now you're thinking... what encounter... that just goes to show how long its been!

*in case of any confusion: these were postdated to be published in chronological order for when i decide to print this blog into a book


The Littlefields said...

I am impressed! I still check your blog, and I'm guilty of being a terrible blogger myself. I think you've redeemed yourself, good work.

Jennie said...

This is a clever post because I have come across the same problem of post dating to keep chronology and correct dates.

Elaine said...

I guess I should reveal myself and tell you that I do read your blog, even if you know it or not! I hope thats okay. Your posts were really touching. I could feel the spirit as you shared your experiences. You and your family are amazing.

Jen said...

Thanks for all the updates Marie! I am still a loyal reader of your blog, and it is great to catch up on what has been going on for your family. And I will never get over how adorable your girls are!