***I'm determined to catch up on cataloging our family's events this year. Be ready for outdated posts galore!


Pick and Pick Plantation

one of our favorite things we've done here in MO was pick raspberries.  the pick and pick plantation was just a quick drive out of the city and it was a beautiful day.  the girls loved it. madison was so focused and grace probably ate her weight in raspberries.  no wonder they charge an arm and a leg for a pint of them- they probably figure you eat half of what you pick in the field.

i love how grace wears her hat on the side. she does it all on her own and won't let me touch it for anything!

"look at all the raspberries i picked."
"where'd all mine go?"

madison ended up trying a few.  they were tiny but super sweet.

dan showed the girls a jackpot of raspberries.

here's the goods! (i think grace's was empty :)

we'll be back next summer to try the asparagus, strawberries, and blackberries.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Your girls are so cute. That's great that you can go pick raspberries like that. Good memories.
It's more humid out here in New York too. It gets pretty gross, doesn't it? I always wonder how people put up with it forever...but I guess you get the pretty green to go with it, right?