***I'm determined to catch up on cataloging our family's events this year. Be ready for outdated posts galore!


60 years and counting

we had a wonderful Valentine's Day! dan left super early for work as usual and madison and i went walking with my dear friend haylee and her daughter kinsey. on the way home we stopped by our neighbor's "farm" to see all the animals (pictures and post coming soon). next, we moved on to a full-day of cooking. luckily madison took a very unusual 5-hour nap and it was a wonderful Valentine's gift for her mom! we invited my grandparents over for dinner to celebrate the day and honor their 60th anniversary. how sweet! (this pic is of a few years ago, celebrating 4th of july with yankee doodle hats) they are adorable and i hope dan and i are half as fun as they are when we are 86 years old.

so dan brought home some BEAUTIFUL red roses and a cute card and necklace (sorry ladies, i married the best man out there!), and we got the table all setup and ready for dinner. on the menu: slow-cooked pot roast with carrots and potatoes, gravy, garlic mashed potatoes, asparagus, AZ navel oranges, heart-shaped jell-o, homemade rolls and strawberry freezer jam. Happy Valentine's Day dan!! (i fixed him his favorite dinner) we finished the night off with marbled chocolate cheesecake hearts and chocolate covered strawberries!! yummm! like i said, a long day of cooking but it was worth it! it was great to visit with my grandparents - we love living close to them. we love you!!

here are the delicious chocolate covered strawberries - only four of us but they all got eaten!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Those strawberries look very pretty. I couldn't find the chocolate that I usually like when I did it for v-day this year and they didn't turn out as well. So I am jealous.