***I'm determined to catch up on cataloging our family's events this year. Be ready for outdated posts galore!


Swimming Season

it has begun.

madison just started week three of swimming lessons today. {she goes to the same teacher who taught dan swimming lessons when he was young - jennifer hall. she also catered our wedding reception }. after getting past her nervous first day, madison has done really well. i've been amazed at her willingness to do everything they're teaching her.

there ARE kind of heart-topping moments though where she's kicking her little legs as fast as they'll go and still can't quite reach the edge of the pool and i wonder how she has any air left. kind of like this...

but every time, she pops up{sometimes with a little nudge from her teacher}, proud of herself and willing to do it again. she's even jumped off the diving board a couple times.

swimming lessons are making madison starving though, which is kind of funny.  she's asking for food constantly and when we tell her, "ok, that's enough food for now," she responds with, "but mom, i'm just a hungry girl!"

we can't wait till it warms up a little bit more so we can get some sun and serious swimming time squeezed in before moving next month!


Lindsay Skinner said...

You can still see her hair when it's wet! I remember when it basically disappeared.

I love the suit - at least what I can see of it!

Keith and Nicci said...

I'm glad she handled them so well from the beginning! My boys took about 3 days and now they love them, but it was definitely a learning process:)