***I'm determined to catch up on cataloging our family's events this year. Be ready for outdated posts galore!


Dearest Girls,

where to start...
today was a roller coaster.
dad's on call so it was just us girls.
we watched movies, shaped play-doh, cleaned house, read books and played outside.

you wore yourself out and fell asleep on my lap.
that never happens - you like to move and squirm like no other.
i am grateful for the chance{s}, few and far between, to hold and snuggle you.

you were giggling and so excited to hold her.
i laid grace in your lap and you couldn't have been happier.
you reached for her fingers and held her hand, whispered in her ear and softly kissed her hair.
you are a wonderfully tender big sister.
she is lucky to have you.
and you, her.

but it wasn't all fun and games.
we had tears and crying and tantrums and pouting.
no tumbling class.
madi, you thought your "feet would be cold" and didn't want to stay.
i was impatient
and apologized later.

but we salvaged the day.
we danced and did puzzles.
we laughed and we hugged and we smiled.

after mutual you got ready for bed.
grace, you wanted a yellow smiley face sticker after brushing your teeth, just like your sister.
madi, i tucked you in and you reminded me that you'll take off your jammies if you get too hot.
we've been finding you in your undies with the jammies on the floor next to your bed every morning.
dad and i think it's pretty cute.

i gave you both a hug,
said i'll see you in the morning,
and that i love you.
the perfect end to a very unperfect day.

when you both came into the world i finally felt a sense of purpose.
a sense of completeness.
and a confirmation that all i ever wanted was to be a mom.
your mom.

what i'm learning from you is unconditional love.
that's what you offer me.
it doesn't matter if i tell you only one fruit snack today,
no more fishies,
it's time to turn the movie off,
or no more ya ya's because you're a big girl.
you forgive and forget.
you look at me with your big blue/brown eyes and smile.
you make me forget why i was frustrated.
you make me forget what wasn't important.

you are my world.
along with your dad.
you make me want to be better.
to try harder.

thank you for forgiving me.
thank you for teaching me.
thank you for loving me.

i love you too.
your mom.


Katie said...

Please print and frame this, both the picture and words. Lovely. Absolutely lovely.
You're a good mom, Marie. Your little girlies are lucky to have you.

The Littlefields said...

I agree, you need to print and frame this, it brought tears to my eyes. That really sums up most days of motherhood. Thanks.